Ratna Sagar Jewels

AAA Quality Precious & Semi Precious Natural Gemstone Beads

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Labradorite gemstone: The Protector of Emotions and Life

Are you looking for a spirited gemstone to grace your attire and personality? Have you tried Labradorite Gemstone? Labradorite gemstone is a princely feldspar mineral stone found among the igneous rocks. Unlike most silicate crystals, this gemstone has a triclinic system forming two right angled prisms. It occurs in grey, green, blue, yellow and champagne hues. The inter-layered twinning is what makes the Labradorite gemstones such an angelic item to possess.

Where is it extracted from?

The first Labradorite was extracted from Paul Island in the Labrador province of Canada. It is usually found in igneous rock beds along with basalt and Gabbro. Labradorite is not contaminated by the presence of other minerals like magnetite, olivine and amphiboles that are found in the igneous rocks.

What makes the gemstone so popular?

Labradorite gemstone exudes Labradoressence or iridescent optical effect. The gemstone is bestowed with sub-microscopic planes that reflect lights along two different planes.  More than the chemical composition, it is the crystalline structure that makes the Labradorite gemstone a semi-precious stone.

Labradorite Gemstones
Forms of Labradorite:

Labradorite gemstones are available in the market in the following shapes.

–    Labradorite beads
–    Labradorite heart
–    Point gemstone
–    Jewellery balls
–    Tumbled stone
–    Labradorite egg
–    Massage wand
–    Polished slab

Popular cuts available in the market are:

–    Oval
–    Pear
–    Round
–    Marquise
–    Cushion
–    Baguette

Names you should be familiar with:

Labradorite gemstone is also called as Specrolite, sun stone, Mercy stone, Relationship healer and Raphael gem. The healing properties of the gemstone are associated with the planet Uranus. Depending on the degree of iridescent, the gemstone can be labelled as orange, red, blue, green or yellow Labradorite gem.

Labradorite Beads

Properties of Labradorite gemstone:

Properties of the Labradorite gemstone are classified as:

–    Metaphysical

Labradorite resolves inner anxiety, low self-esteem and stress. It boosts intuitive power and creates an aura of awakening around the person wearing the stone. It induces a sense of belongingness in the tasks you take up.

–    Health

Labradorite gemstones and beads control the chakras of Brow, third eye and the solar plexus. People wearing the stone experience relief from issues related to metabolism, digestion and sleep. It also regulates the hormonal channels.

–    Star connections

The sunstone of Labradorite is associated with the zodiacs of Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius. It is a masculine stone with angelic effects on the personality. Even the hardest of personalities transform with the touch of the Labradorite stone. The connection with the stars comes from the beliefs of the Eskimos who consider the stone as part of the Northern Lights.

–    Emotional Healing with Labradorite

Labradorite gemstone helps in recovering from relationship traumas. The balancing of energy comes from the throat chakra. People involved with professions like singing, news reading and Radio jockeying are recommended the stone for a prosperous career.

The gemstone is used to align all the chakras of the body. It creates a ‘rainbow’ of the body chakras and filters all negativity from life.

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Mookaite Jasper: The Australian Powerhouse

Fiery, bold, invigorating, revitalizing, powerful and beautiful all these words fit in aptly when you see Mookaite jasper in its purest form. Mookaite jasper is an Australian gemstone that exudes an earthly charm of red and yellow. Regarded as the symbol of fertility and masculinity, Mookaite Jasper is popularly called as the ‘Discoverer’s Rock’. It energizes the individual to seek new adventures in life. For those who are yet to start their professional journey in life, Mookaite jasper is the perfect accomplice to help you reach your goals with success.

Mookaite: The Aboriginal Stone:

Mookaite jasper gemstone derives its name from the Aboriginal tribes. The base word is “Mooka” meaning ‘running water’. In India, Mookaite jasper is called as the ‘Silent Stone’. It is known to enhance the sustainability of life and embolden the pursuit for new challenges. In the 18th century, mookaite was largely used by the British soldiers and viceroys as a lucky totem. It helped them conquer new lands despite hardships.

mookaite jasper gemstones

Where is it found?

Mookaite jasper is very rare owing to its singular origin on Earth. It is found exclusively in Western Australia’s Kennedy Range. The jasper gemstone is collected from the numerous water springs and underwater channels. The sedimentary rock properties are clearly evident on the outer shell of the jasper. It is infiltrated by the microscopic organisms forming a hard fossilized shell around the gemstone. Radiolaria is the most common protozoan fossil visible on the shell.

Colour combinations:

Owing to differential rate of fossilization and the corrosion due to water, Mookaite jasper exudes variable colour shades. You would commonly see red, mauve, purple, brown, off-white, cream and mustard shades. Transparent and black mookaite jaspers are very rare.

Depending on the percentage of Chert, chalcedony and Opalite, the colour intensity also differs. Dendrite-free Mookaite jaspers attract maximum price.

Popular names:

In the commercial gemstone market Mookaite jasper is known by different tags. Popular ones include:

–    Mookerite
–    Mookalite
–    Mook stone
–    Mook Jasper
–    Moukite

Healing properties:

Mookaite jasper gemstone is a medium of connection with all elemental entities in the Universe. It helps in self-accomplishment and powers confidence. It controls the Solar plexus chakra and controls the upper abdomen.

Use the Mookaite Jasper Beads to see following changes in life.

–    Accomplishment of hard tasks that you often get surrendered at the last step.
–    Enhanced focus on a task
–    Improved communication with partners, spouse, siblings and neighbours
–    Mysterious entry of love in case of singles
–    Dominance in relationships that earlier had futile results
–    Increased frequency of travel related to business, family or personal adventure
–    Improvement in health and libido

mookaite jasper beadsAmplify your senses:

If you adorn the mookarite jasper on your right hand, the gemstone sharpens your senses. It may not add any new intuitive power to your five senses but it definitely amplifies them. Your reaction time improves making you more productive at work. You will always find yourself making the right decisions and moving in right direction as long as you have jasper by your side.

Guide Stone for Academicians:

Mookaite jasper is a great supporting rock for those involved in academic professions. It has shown to improve memory, concentration and aptitude. It is especially beneficial for lecturers in history, geography, life sciences and literature. Mathematicians, physicists and surgeons also consider mookaite jasper as a great leveller of senses.